My First Novel - The Heart of Lighspeed

Where You Can Buy My Book
If you want a signed copy you'll need to contact me directly.

The Back of the Book Teaser
In the far flung future, humanity has transcended death after reaching a state of near immortality. Now a growing anomaly at the edge of the galaxy has humans facing the one thing they can’t escape... the end of existence. Travel with the crew of The Leviathan to the edge of the unknown as they race to save their worlds by unlocking the secrets of lightspeed.

Real Quotes From Actual Readers
“This is the best book I’ve ever read!” - Marie, the author’s wife
“Fun jaunty ensemble space adventure!” - Zoe, the author’s older sister
“I wasn’t sure I’d like this book, but I did!” - Chris, the author’s best friend

Why did you self publish this book?
I've been kicking this story around in my head since college, which not to make myself seem incredibly old, was over 20 years ago now. Over the years I've written bits and bobs of the adventure, even going as far as to put together a collection of reference materials. However, it was until the COVID-pandemic that I found myself feeling like it was "now or never." I'd never actually written a full length novel, and focusing on this book helped me through some of the darker parts of the pandemic.

When I was done writing I realized I didn't want to spend another year bouncing around trying to find a publisher. Honestly, it's a good book but there are better sci-fi books out there looking for a publisher. So I decided I would self-publish this book and move on to my next project now that I've proven to myself I can focus and write a novel.

Will there be a sequel?
Maybe? I have more prequel than sequel ideas at the moment. In any case my next project is a thriller mystery, Shepherds of Forgotten Things. 

What does the last communication from Kieran mean?
It’s meant to be open to interpretations. In future books I would explain it more, but for now: “Sometimes you have to go back to where it started to understand how it ends.”